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Ford Falcon Manual Download Free

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by cecermita1971 2021. 5. 31. 01:24


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Hello, and welcome to Ford Falcon Repair Manuals.

We supply workshop manuals for Ford Falcon, Fairmont, Fairlane and LTD. Manuals are delivered by way of immediate download in PDF format.
Check out the brief video below that tells you all about our manuals and shows examples.

And for those who are interested, below there is a brief history of the early years of the Ford Falcon.

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One of Ford’s most popular models, the beautiful Falcon, has a long history dating back to the mid-20th century. Officially, the first Falcon was launched in 1968, whereas it’s triumphal history begun some 8 years earlier.
The history and the triumph of the Falcon began with very savvy management. Long before the Falcon was introduced to the Australian market, the Ford experts visited Australia to conduct trainings and information sessions for their future counterparts to ensure the proper and flawless service after the car entered the market.
The Australianised version of the Ford Falcon was designed to challenge General Motors Holden and eliminate the monopoly of the six-cylinder car market. The brief was for something similar, but better similar price, more stylish and more saving… the Falcon was born!
The models more known as XK, XL, XM, XN, XP followed each other and passed onwards. Each of the models had something new and unique to say. For example, the XL was the first model to offer seat belt attachments. Also, Ford was the first company to offer zinc covers for the vital parts underneath. Of course the styles and models would change, but the car itself remained in the Australian history as the best 6 cylinder vehicle.
The success of these cars was largely determined by both the savvy and clever management as well as excellent technicians. The prosperity of the company was enhanced when Wallace Wray Booth was appointed Manager. This was the time when Ford more than doubles its market share, increasing to 20.7% from 9.4%. Booth had a very clever strategy. The first week on the post he spent driving the cars of the other Marks to understand the similarities and differences. He was sure that the money plant and the capacity were not enough to be successful – you needed to convince and persuade the buyer that they will not find anything better than your model.
Management bought in an excellent team of marketers who took Ford to great heights. Perhaps the peak of this was the 70000 durability test in 1965 which announced the launch of the new XP model. Many people, including the Ford managerial officials considered this attempt to be overly risky: but the top management thought differently. And they were right.
Ford Falcons became the car to buy. The XP and the XR won the “Wheels” Car of the Year Award in 1965. Ford dominated the Akademos Rally, the 70000 Miles Durability Run, Bathurst, Sandown, etc.
Later the GT HO would be coined as the world’s fastest 4-door sedan. The success through to the XA, which virtually allowed customers to design their own car starting from the colour down to intricate technical details. This was something totally new in the market at that time.
What was missing in the Ford race was a great sports car. That was introduced in the mid-70s, becoming a paradise for race-lovers. The Ford Cobra Coupe would have everything that any normal car has, plus it was sporty, and featured everything that a sports car needed.
Ford Falcon became the signature motor for taxis and police patrols in New Zealand and Australia.

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