- Type in the console window 'get weaponname' where 'weaponname' is one from the list below.-9mm-45acp-556nato-762nato-57mm-338magnum-buckshot(shotgun ammo).
- Before you one of the most secure hacks for cs 1.6. It was done by a programmer with the nickname Dominik1337, known as the cracker of a plurality of game programs. Setting its development, you can play without fear of ban on any server. Use AIM, ESP and other functions with the mind, and get tons of pleasure from domination over other players.
- Cs Activate the console via the tild key on the server (host) machine and type 'svcheats 1' Then while in the console, type the following to enable the 'cheat'.
Here is a list of 'cheat codes' for Counter Strike 1.6. Most of these are not really 'cheats' in the true sense of the word but commands to change the preferences. Activate the console on the server machine and type 'svcheats 1'. Cheat Codes While playing the game, press to display the console window. Type ' svcheats 1 ', then ' restart ' to enable cheat mode. When the mission restarts, press again, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Here is a list of 'cheat codes' for Counter Strike 1.6. Most of these are not really 'cheats' in the true sense of the word but commands to change the preferences.
Activate the console on the server machine (~) and type 'sv_cheats 1'
to enable the following codes.
NOTE: All codes must be entered from the Host computer.
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Arctic sniper rifle
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : givespaceweapon_awp
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Auto-aim with sniper rifle
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : sv_aim
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Adjust gravity
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : sv_gravity (-999 - 999999)
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : See and fire through walls and objects
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : gl_zmax (0-9999)
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : View other players' frags
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : cl_hidefrags 0
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Faster forward motion
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : cl_forwardspeed 999
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Faster backwards motion
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : cl_backspeed 999
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat : Faster side motion
Counter Strike PC Game Cheat Code : cl_sidespeed 999
Counter Strike Cheat : Level select
Counter Strike Cheat Code : changelevel
Counter Strike Cheat : Weapon select
Counter Strike Cheat Code : give
Use one of the following entries with the 'give' code to get the corresponding weapon.
Benneli xm1014
Colt M4a1 carbine
Fn P90
Glock 18 pistol
HE grenade
M3 super shotgun
weapon_mac 10
SIG p228
Steyr Aug
Desert eagle
Usp.45 pistol
Other Counter Strike 1.6 Cheat Codes
Auto-reload enabled
Counter Strike Cheat Code : +reload
Auto-reload disabled
Counter Strike Cheat Code : -reload
Change skins
Counter Strike Cheat Code : skin
Use the following skin names with 'skin' code:
Arab - arab
Arctic - arctic
GSG9 - gsg9
Guerrilla - guerrilla
Hostage - hostage
SAS - sas
SEAL - seal
Terrorist - terror
VIP - vip
See things brightly without flashlight
Counter Strike Cheat Code : lambert -1.0001
SetC4 timer
Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_c4timer (-1000-1000)
Hyper auto-aim enabled
Counter Strike Cheat Code : sv_clienttrace 999999999
Hyper auto-aim disabled
Counter Strike Cheat Code : sv_clienttrace 1
Get $16,000
Counter Strike Cheat Code : impulse101
Splatter bones and body tissue
Counter Strike Cheat Code : impulse102 (or impulse202)
Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable (default is 6)
Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_freezetime (#)
Set maximum length in minutes a round can last (default is 5)
Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_roundtime (3-15)
Toggle auto-help hint messages (default is 1)
Counter Strike Cheat Code : ah (0)
Toggle crosshairs in observer mode (default is 1)
Counter Strike Cheat Code : cl_observercrosshair (0)
Toggle flashlight use (default is 1)
Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_flashlight (0)
Toggle footsteps (default is 1)
Counter Strike Cheat Code : mp_footsteps (0)
Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution
Counter Strike Cheat Code : r_lightmap 1
Turn off textures
Counter Strike Cheat Code : gl_picmic 3
Before using the following codes, you must fist enable them by using the server machine and typing in
sv_cheats 1. Once this is done, you must choose a level:
changelevel [Name of Map]. After selecting the level, you can then go ahead and type in the code for the desired Effect you want to use.
Map ListEstate Office Vegas Cobble Aztec Tundra OilRig Backalley Train Dust Prodigy Nuke 747
Final Option Italy Cs 1.6 Pc Game Cheats Age Of Empires 2
Highrise Militia ArabStreets Canyon Siege Assault
Cheat CodesEffect | Code |
$16,000 | impulse101 |
Adjust gravity | sv_gravity <-999 - 999999> |
Arctic sniper rifle give | spaceweapon_awp |
Auto-aim with sniper rifle | sv_aim |
Auto-reload disabled | -reload |
Auto-reload enabled | +reload |
Change crosshair color | adjust crosshair |
Change skins | skin |
Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting | crosshair <1-5> |
Faster backwards motion | cl_backspeed 999 |
Faster forward motion | cl_forwardspeed 999 |
Faster side motion | cl_sidespeed 999 |
Get indicated item | give |
Hyper auto-aim disabled | sv_clienttrace 0000 |
Hyper auto-aim enabled | sv_clienttrace 9999 |
Level select | changelevel |
Reveal how much time is left on the map | timeleft |
See and fire through walls and objects, default is 3600 | gl_zmax<0-9999> |
See things brightly without flashlight | lambert -1.0001 |
Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6(For use on server machine only) | mp_freezetime |
Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 5(For use on server machine only) | mp_roundtime <3-15> |
Set minutes between map rotations, default is 0(For use on server machine only) | mp_timelimit |
SetC4 timer | mp_c4timer <1-100> |
Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1 | ah <0 or 1> |
Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1 | cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1> |
Toggle flashlight use, default is 1(For use on server machine only) | mp_flashlight <0 or 1> |
Toggle footsteps, default is 1(For use on server machine only) | mp_footsteps <0 or 1> |
Toggle friendly fire(For use on server machine only) | mp_friendlyfire <0 or 1> |
Toggle graph | net_graph <0 or 1> |
Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1 | dm <0 or 1> |
Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0 | ghosts <0 or 1> |
Unbind key command | unbind |
View other players' frags | cl_hidefrags 0 |
Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution | r_lightmap 1 |
Item NamesYou can use the 'give' code to spawn weapons ->
give [Weapon Name]Cs 1.6 Play Online
Weapon Name | Code |
AK-47 | weapon_ak47 |
Artic | weapon_awp |
Benneli xm1014 | weapon_xm1014 |
Bomb defuser | weapon_defuser |
C4 | weapon_c4 |
Colt M4a1 carbine | weapon_m4a1 |
Commando | weapon_sg552 |
Desert eagle | weapon_deagle |
Dual Berettas | weapon_elite |
Flashbang | weapon_flashbang |
Fn P90 | weapon_p90 |
Glock 18 pistol | weapon_glock18 |
H&K Sniper Rifle | weapon_g3sg1 |
HE grenade | weapon_hegrenade |
Kevlar Vest | weapon_kevlar |
M3 super shotgun | weapon_m3 |
MAC-10 | weapon_mac 10 |
MP5 | weapon_mp5navy |
Nightvision goggles | weapon_nightvision |
Para | weapon_m249 |
SIG p228 | weapon_p228 |
Scout | weapon_scout |
Sig 550 | weapon_sig550 |
Smoke grenade | weapon_smokegrenade |
Steyr Aug | weapon_aug |
Ump.45 | weapon_ump45 |
Usp.45 pistol | weapon_usp |
Skin NamesYou can use other skins by using
skin [Skin Name]Cs 1.6 Hack
Skin Name | Code |
Arab | arab |
Arctic | arctic |
GSG9 | gsg9 |
Guerrilla | guerrilla |
Hostage | hostage |
SAS | sas |
SEAL | seal |
Terrorist | terror |
VIP | vip |
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